I am a photographer of life and of journeys.
Born in Hungary, I immigrated to the US in 1989 in pursuit of personal and professional enrichment. Before moving abroad, most of my visual influences were from before the fall of the Berlin wall. I remember my hometown in black and white since there were no colors used in the architectural décor of that time. My memories of the Budapest I left behind remind me of a woman without make up, a simple beauty without pretense.
““I don’t invent anything. I imagine everything... most of the time, I have drawn my images from the daily life around me. I think that it is by capturing reality in the humblest, most sincere, most everyday way I can, that I can penetrate to the extraordinary.”
“If you want to write you should learn the alphabet. You write and write and in the end you have a a beautiful, perfect alphabet. But it isn’t the alphabet that is important. The important thing is what you are writing, what you are expressing. The same thing goes for photography. Photographs can be technically perfect and even beautiful, but they have no expression.”
“If your pictures aren’t
good enough, you aren’t
close enough.
I hope to stay unemployed
as a war photographer till the end of my life.
For a war correspondent to miss an invasion is like refusing a date with Lana Turner.”
““It is an illusion that photos
are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head.” ”
Images are mirrors to our soul
Salmagundi “Humanity-Award” 1st Price
Washington Square Park Art Society 1st Price